A backpack, a tent, some clothes, 14 times the elevation of the everest starting from sea level and 4 279 kilometers from Mexico to Canada - What could go wrong ?
"And who wouldn't want to let go of their watery excrements in the woods while watching a beautiful sunrise over the magnificient sierras for 5 months ?"
The PCT is a self supported long distance hiking trail starting at the mexican border, crossing California, Oregon and Washington only to end at the Canadian border.
Among the interesting wild life to be expected are snakes (coral and rattlesnakes for the dangerous ones), wild cats (mountain lions, bobcats, foxes and coyotes), spiders (tarentulas and western black widows for the venomous ones), scorpions, black bears.
On the less interesting side (or more common), there are porcupines, goats, moskitos, dears, beavers, rabbits, birds, racoons and plenty other things I am tired of listing.
Because proper adventure can only be found when you ditch the technology and you're forced to rely on your wits and your cunning (and I also want to take a dump while watching the sierras; primary motivation material).
Pacific side of the United States of America
5 months from April to October 2018
Medecins Sans Frontieres teams deliver medical assistance to millions of people each year. They are women in labour, children in need of vaccinations, the war-wounded, patients injured during natural disasters and many others. While some of the medical emergencies facing these patients make the news, many don’t.
Donations to Medecins Sans Frontieres are essential to their ability to deliver medical assistance, from surgeries performed in tents, to vaccinations administered in the desert.
Thanks to the generous support of people like you, Medecins Sans Frontieres is able to maintain the financial and operational independence that allows them to provide urgent medical care to hundreds of thousands of people in around 60 countries worldwide each year.
For this adventure we want to raise funds for an awesome organization full of selfless people and they are present on ALL the african continent going where no one else does:
Médecins Sans Frontières (Nobel Peace Prize in 1999), litterally translated to Doctors without Borders, are helping refugees in Jordan and Syria. MSF are deployed at sea trying to prevent refugees from drowning, MSF are in Irak where ISIS is terrorizing the population, MSF are in first line treating tuberculosis in western asia by deploying human resources and mobile hospitals. Médecins Sans Frontières are deployed in Haiti to rescue the people victim of the recent natural disaster. They are present in South Sudan helping refugees of the political crisis that doesn't end. They treat thousands of people from HIV in India.
91,2% of the founds are directly used on the field to help populations.
4,9% are spent to collect donations.
3,9% are used for operating costs
That means a lot of lifes saved! All donations through this page are going directly to Médecins Sans Frontières without any intermediary. And in typical crowdfunding fashion, EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS! It is easy and 100% secure.
All donations through this page are going directly to MSF without any intermediary.
Médecins Sans Frontières are everywhere in the world ! and today more than ever they need fundings to support their operations. Médecins Sans Frontières offers assistance to people based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation and WE need to help them !
Thank you for your help!
Anthony J. and Pierre R.
With the help of some friends, we raised 1400 € for SOS Children and Coolearth and flew to India to start our trip. We wanted to cross India from North to South in a Rickshaw. We drove through mountains, jungles and rice patties.
We filmed the whole adventure and created a documentary. The Road To Kochi is our documentary of a 4500 kilometers trip through India in a rickshaw.
"No set route, no back-up, no way of knowing if you're going to make it. The only certainty is that you will get lost, you will get stuck and you will break down.
It's just you and your mates in a wholly unsuitable vehicle, traversing the subcontinent enduring whatever shit the road throws at you."
The Adventurists.
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
The Team Fiasco De Gama was created in 2015 when 6 friends intended to cross India from the North (north from Bangladesh) to the South (Kochi). Initially Vasco de Gama landed on a beach just next to our finish line and we all thought we would make a fiasco out of this epic adventure.
You can contact us on the below address for any question.
Check out our social medias for more info.